Listen to Charity Albums

Check out our charity compilation albums which benefit an array of non-profit organizations.

As a Faot Media Group, Gone Postal Records is proudly built on a foundation of charitability. Ever since the label launched back in 2013, we’ve been putting together all kinds of compilation albums benefitting a range of charitable causes.

In 2019, Gone Postal Records launched its PLUR charity compilation album initiative. The new initiative created four annual charity compilation albums – with one album releasing each quarter of the calendar year. Each album has a theme (Peace, Love, Unity, or Respect) that aligns with an established positive element of electronic music culture. In addition, each album is in benefit of a respective non-profit organization that fits the album’s theme in working to overcome issues burdening the electronic music community.

The annual Peace album, for example, benefits Shatterproof – a non-profit organization dedicated to ending the devastation of substance abuse and addiction. The annual Love album benefits One Love Foundation – a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and educating students about the warning signs of relationship abuse. Unity benefits NoStigmas – a non-profit organization dedicated to cultivating the go-to peer support community for those with mental illnesses. Respect benefits Futures Without Violence – a non-profit organization dedicated to ending domestic violence against women and children around the world.

We believe that we can change the world through music. If you agree, check out our various charity compilation albums which are out now on all major music platforms. 100% of profit earned through sales and streams of the music is donated to the album’s respective charity!

Peace 2023


Love 2023

One Love Foundation

Unity 2023


Respect 2023

Futures Without Violence

Listen to Last Year’s

Complete Plur 2022 Album

The complete Plur 2022 album features all 20 of the incredible tracks featured across the four quarterly charity albums from 2022. Download or stream this killer compilation album today and benefit all four of the associated charities!